Is it possible to hide dimensional constraint?

 I know that AutoCAD permits the user to hide dimensional constraints. But, as far as I can tell, in BricsCAD v14, the only way to hide them is to create them on a new layer, and then turn that layer off.

I am trying to avoid adding more layers to contend with, since my assembly already has a very large number of layers.  So, I wanted to double-check, in hopes that I overlooked something.

Can dimensional constraints be set to be hidden, like the other geometric constraints?



  • Hi Joe
    In V15 the DCDISPLAY command was introduced to control the display of dimensional constraints. In V14 this command is not supported yet, so the only solution to show/hide dimensional constraints is to create them on a dedicated layer.

  • Note that in the new situation the dimensional constraints are also put on a dedicated layer (*ADSK_CONSTRAINTS). But this layer is hidden and does not appear in the _EXPLAYERS list.
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