Layer Manager, Layer States and AutoCAD
Not having AutoCAD loaded on my machine anymore, I’m wondering:
When collaborating / sending BricsCAD files to AutoCAD using colleagues, which of the two is best for end user layer handling?
Express Tools’ LMAN or LAYERSTATE?
When collaborating / sending BricsCAD files to AutoCAD using colleagues, which of the two is best for end user layer handling?
Express Tools’ LMAN or LAYERSTATE?
Note the underline character
Or just click on the layer icon on the ribbon.
Whatever layer you have created will show also the same under layer properties of Autocad.
Als when you receive drawings,, the ribbon layer icon is fast to use.
or on the command line _layer.
The default layers are the same as under autocad, layer 0 and defpoints.
So it looks abit diiferent on BricsCad but the same function.
The only difference that Autocad users will see is: no Autodesk drawing. when they open a drawing.
BricsCad is an alternative dwg application, uses the same ACIS kernel, same arx but called brx but arx of autocad can run on bricscad if
at least all arx relations are changed to brx.0 -
Not having AutoCAD loaded on my machine anymore, I’m wondering:
When collaborating / sending BricsCAD files to AutoCAD using colleagues, which of the two is best for end user layer handling?
Express Tools’ LMAN or LAYERSTATE?
A number of the express tools are now available directly in BricsCAD such as, LAYERSTATE, OVERKILL, and TXTEXP. Where this is the case I believe you're best to use the built in feature as it you can get support if you have issues, and they tend to be fuller featured.
Regards,Jason Bourhill
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Autocad users will have the Layerstates command, then you just have to package up and send the states you want them to see.
Whether they will go to the trouble of seeing what your layer settings are all about, or whether they are too cryptic, might be a bigger question.0 -
When receiving AutoCAD dwg.s, I can see / utilize THEIR layer states with LMAN (not LAS).
I just wanted to make sure which command I should use such that receiving party using AutoCAD can read MY layer states as saved.
(I make sure when collaborating, that layer state names are not cryptic; i.e: Foundation, 1st Flr, 2nd Flr, Roof Framing, etc.)0 -
When I get files from Autocad users, I can see, use, and edit their layerstates in the Layerstates window of Drawing Explorer, which is opened by the LAYERSTATE command, and I can select a layerstate from the pull-down list in the Entity Properties bar.
When I create layerstates in Bricscad, I can use them in Autocad, if I can stand to wait long enough for the latter to open.0 -
I have to admit I am not familiar with LMAN, it's not in my Bcad.
My understanding it's a lisp which would not work in Acad LT and an add on for Acad which their intention at least was to supersede with layer states.
Without opinion as to which is better, it seems to me layer states would work for other users whereas Lman might not.
I use scripts to switch between groups of layers, their names only make as much sense to other drafters as they would using any other system.
I can easily send them my script files, but the script (or layerstate) names don't tell you which common layers they are leaving thawed.
Chances are they will hardly need to swap layers in my dwgs, I firstly tell them to freeze all the BW... layers / thaw all the DW... layers to show ductwork or builders work.
It's longer winded, but they know better what's going on.0 -
When I get files from Autocad users, I can see, use, and edit their layerstates in the Layerstates window of Drawing Explorer, which is opened by the LAYERSTATE command,
I opened up a bunch of received AutoCAD dwg.s from companies of varying disciplines, and of those that had some type of Saved Layer State, almost all were evident in Express Tool’s LMAN, only a few appearing in native BCad’s Dwg Explorer’s Layer States.0 -
Robt if you google lman convert, there is a converter to change between lman's states apparently stored in Xdata and the newer layer states format.
It's not the first time Acad has changed a system then incompatibly changed it again, while the very original one still works - mnu/cui is another example.0
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