Baseline different dimensions as Linear

When I put a dimension to my drawing the dimensions are ok. However, when I use the baseline tool the dimensions are different. What is going on, and how to solve this?

see picture below:



  •  cant edit my post.

  • Please verify that you are snapping to MS geometry (and not points of PS dimensions).
  • Please verify that you are snapping to MS geometry (and not points of PS dimensions).

    Thank you for your answer, how can I check the above mentioned solution?
  • 1.
    Reduce the number of active esnaps. For example use only End+Mid+Cen. Only very rarely should you have Nea as an active esnap.
    When selecting an endpoint pick a point near the end of a line instead of clicking a location where multiple endpoint snaps can be found.
    Optionally use the Tab key to cycle through multiple esnaps. DYNMODE must be off for this to work.
  • Please control whether the option 'Entity snaps Ignore endpoints of dimension extension lines' of the OSOPTIONS system variable is checked.
    Choose Settings in the Settings menu, then type 'osnaptions' in the search field.
    The OSOPTIONS system variable sits under Drawing/Drafting/Drawing Units/User coordinate system.
  • Please control whether the option 'Entity snaps Ignore endpoints of dimension extension lines' of the OSOPTIONS system variable is checked.
    Choose Settings in the Settings menu, then type 'osnaptions' in the search field.
    The OSOPTIONS system variable sits under Drawing/Drafting/Drawing Units/User coordinate system.
  • Thank you Louis for pointing out this feature (introduced in V15).
  •  Extention endpoints very easily missed. May I ask why the feature is there ?  ( This would be a compatibility I could live without ) I can not see any use for it.
  •  Extension endpoints very easily missed. May I ask why the feature is there ?  ( This would be a compatibility I could live without ) I can not see any use for it.
  • @Patrik: When, if ever, do you wan to snap to the endpoint of a dimension extension line.
  • @Patrik:
    I don't understand your comments.
    If you do not want to snap to the endpoint of dimension extension lines you should be happy with the aforementioned OSOPTIONS feature since it enables you to do just that.
    If however you do, you can quite easily switch it off.
  • @Patrik: When, if ever, do you wan to snap to the endpoint of a dimension extension line.

    I often snap to dimension extension lines.

    Sometimes draw the dimension, before the lines of the object. Then, I snap to the dimension extension line, using them like construction lines.  Most often it is the Perpendicular snap that I use.  This especially helps where there are multiple lines close to each other, and I am zoomed out enough that I cannot distinguish them, or reliably snap to them.  In that case, I may have dimensioned to just the important lines so that I can use them this way.

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