File opened by multiple users without error warning

 We're having an issue with files that are already open with an original user that are then being opened by a second user user without them getting a warning that the file is already open.

The net effect is that the original user is effectively kicked from the file when they try to save their work.  Any attempt to bypass this ends in a fatal error and all work is lost.  We've run a few tests and managed to reproduce it a few time on different files but it does seem to be intermittent.

Has anyone else had this issue or have a work around for it, it's happened a few times over the past few weeks, just lucky there is only a couple of us using cad.

Any help or insight would be appreciated.


  • Hi Liam,

    I believe marking that a file is open is done at the OS level, not within BricsCAD. Have you struck this issue with any other applications? Have there been any changes to your OS or network server setup? Perhaps a dodgy network connection (network switch / network card) , or using off-line files could lead to this sort of situation. I've seen something similar to this when working with files directly on google drive. Google synch locks the temporary files, preventing the application from accessing them.

    When BricsCAD opens a file it creates lock files (.dwl,.dwl2), but these are just to provide details on who has the file open. You can use the WHOHAS command to query this.

    I would expect BricsCAD is crashing as it is trying to write to file(s) that it expects to have access to. That it crashes probably warrants a support request. You would expect that BricsCAD would tell you that the file is now read-only and allow you the option to use SAVEAS to at least save to another file name.

    Jason Bourhill

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