Command line setting for viewport layer override settings?
For my dimension layers, I will set them to different colors so that I can differentiate them in model space. But, in my viewports, they are always set to be black. I am attempting to create a macro to do this for me. But, I don't see any options to set the viewport layer overrides from the command prompt.
Is there a way to do viewport layer overrides from the command prompt?
Not sure if I got your problem:
If I want to have predefined settings to change color or switch layer on-off within certain viewports I can create layerstates.
There is a controlpanel for layerstates, so you don´t have to do anything with the command prompt.
If I have settings that I need almost always, I would create layouts with viewports including these settings in my template drawing.
Sascha0 -
Thanks for the layer state idea. Since layer states can be controlled from the command prompt, I though this may also be a way to do it in a macro.However, I have not used layer states with viewports in the past, because I have no been successful in figuring how they work within a viewport.I just tried again, by going to an existing viewport and changing all the Dim* layers to have a viewport override that colors them black. I created a layerstate for that condition. Then, I went to a new viewport and applied that dimensions style. However, it had no effect.Is there something I am not understanding about layer states in viewports, or are they perhaps just not working properly in my v14?-Joe0
V14 could be the problem.
They managed some former problems in the last updates of Bricscad.
In the attachment you see the settings you should use for the layerstates.
Good luck.Layer State.jpg0 -
I'm sorry but I only know English. I don't recall a menu that looks like that in my English v14. Can you summaries what the option says.-Joe0
In V14 VP color overrides are not supported by the layer state implementation. In V16 color overrides are correctly handled by the _LayerState command. The _stAte option of the _-Layer command will properly restore VP visibility overrides, but VP color overrides will always be restores as 'model space' colors. The same applies to the vl-layerstates-restore Lisp function. And the _VpLayer command can only handle VP visibility overrides. So even in V16 there is no command line option to restore VP color overrides.0
but VP color overrides will always be restores as 'model space' colors. ... So even in V16 there is no command line option to restore VP color overrides.Is this a bug or how it is supposed to function? If it proper behavior, I imagine it is how AutoCAD functions.-Joe0
I do not have an AutoCAD license so I cannot comment on AutoCAD's behavior.0
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