Drawing Size Nightmare

 Hi Peeps,

I've been using BricsCAD 16 in a professional capacity since May this year. And it has been serving me pretty well.

Today, however, a particular drawing I was working on started to take ages to do simply copy commands, with just one entity. I waited the usual minute and then closed the software down, because there is no way it should be taking more than a few seconds, if that, to copy a single line or circle from A to B.

At first I thought I'd better check what other Windows process were going on, just in case there was something running in the background. But half an hour later I decided that that was not the problem.

To cut a very long story short (I wasted a whole morning in this already), I noticed that the offending drawing file had grown to around 9mb.

There is no way this drawing should be so big. I have drawings with many more entities and the files are a quarter of that.

Here are some facts relating to the problem drawing:-

It contains 2018 entities consisting of 171 arcs, 25 circles, 4 ellipses, 953 lines, 837 polylines, 2 splines and 26 items of text.
If I do an AUDIT on the drawing it reports that 708328 objects were audited (that seems awfully high to me).
I have purged it to death. There are no blocks at all in the drawing.

Here are some details of another drawing I am working on, and this drawing does not give me any problems (yet):-

It is less than 2mb in size and contains 31636 consisting of 15 2D polylines, 3662 arcs, 27 blocks, 11 arrays, 3580 circles, 54 ellipses, 12830 lines, 2 MTexts and 11455 polylines.
If I do an AUDIT it reports that 62183 objects were audited.

I don't normally look at drawing sizes because it's not normally an issue for me. And I'm only created simple 2D layouts here. So I really don't know how big the problem drawing file was yesterday. I certainly wasn't having any problems at all yesterday and I was copying things around within the drawing, and also cutting and pasting between drawings.

Something seems to have gone a bit mad just today.

Any ideas Peeps?




  • maybe ther is so much Data waste in the drawing, which is responsible for this slow motion.
    you can try the deep Purge Program, i made some Time ago http://www.cadwiesel.de/index.php?hp=7&mz=2&action=DwgClear&show=11&unterpunkt=38
    its free of use for 30 days.
    Mostly there are a lot of Layerfilters or Styledefs. Some applications are storing also Block Definitions in an Drawing, which are not able to purge.
    Regards Martin
  • Hi Andy,

    if you file a support request and attach the drawing ( max size is 100 Mb )
    our support analysts will be glad to investigate what is the cause and help you get the issue solved.

    Kind regards,
  • maybe ther is so much Data waste in the drawing, which is responsible for this slow motion.
    you can try the deep Purge Program, i made some Time ago http://www.cadwiesel.de/index.php?hp=7&mz=2&action=DwgClear&show=11&unterpunkt=38
    its free of use for 30 days.
    Mostly there are a lot of Layerfilters or Styledefs. Some applications are storing also Block Definitions in an Drawing, which are not able to purge.
    Regards Martin

    Thanks Martin.

    I loaded the .DES application using the APPLOAD command.

    I then typed DWGCLEAR at the command line.

    This was what was returned:-

    Please try again.
    Nicht gelöschte Applikationseinträge:
    Starte Applikationsbereinigung......fertig.
    Nicht gelöschte Applikationseinträge:
     0 Layerfilter gelöscht
    Keine Layerstati vorhanden.
    Keine 0-Elemente gefunden
    Keine Xdata's vorhanden
    No un-referenced blocks.
    No un-referenced layers.
    No un-referenced linetypes.
    No un-referenced text styles.
    No un-referenced dimension styles.
    No un-referenced blocks.
    No un-referenced layers.
    No un-referenced linetypes.
    No un-referenced text styles.
    No un-referenced dimension styles.
    No un-referenced blocks.
    No un-referenced layers.
    No un-referenced linetypes.
    No un-referenced text styles.
    No un-referenced dimension styles.

    The drawing file is still over 9mb.

    I think I will have to open a support request.

    Thanks for you help and speedy response :-)

  • Hi Andy,

    if you file a support request and attach the drawing ( max size is 100 Mb )
    our support analysts will be glad to investigate what is the cause and help you get the issue solved.

    Kind regards,

    Thanks for your prompt response Hans. I will raise a support request straight away.

    In the meantime I tried saving to various DXF files and also earlier version CAD files but that only made things worse.

    I also tried copying just one single line in another drawing file and that started to increase in size. It started off at just under 2mb and after I had copied just one line, saved, opened and then repeated the process, the file is now 3.6mb and the copying process takes may minutes to complete.


  • Your problem may be caused by 'DGN linetype bloat':
    See this topic: https://forum.bricsys.com/discussion/30314
    Older similar topic: https://forum.bricsys.com/discussion/26765

  •  Hi Roy,

    I have had an official reply back from Hans and it appears to be a problem with constraints which are somehow multiplying when copied.

    What is strange here is that I am not actually using constraints at all.

    This issue isn't totally fixed for me yet because I have since found another file that is doing the same thing.

    And I am left wondering, "why now?" I've been working on these drawings for a week or so with no problem, and then all of a sudden, files are getting corrupted.

    I was considering updating to V17 but I don't want to do that until I know what it is that is causing the problem in V16.



  • Hello Roy :-)

    I am in your debt... I just tried that code in the other topic and it seems to work a treat. So thank you very much for that.


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