Drawing in 3D is a bit cumbersome

 No orbit/ 3d orbit so working with complex mechanical components takes alot of time just moving towards another view direction.
Orbit is more flexible cause you can turn until you get into the best position.

Selection end point sometimes finds no end points while creating a box within an existing model.
So measuring again and then move the block to the desired location.

Nice feature : extend face of block.
But if the face consist out of multiple  objects , but all on the same level then the logic is lost.
It will extract but only object by object, no way to tell pick this, this and this object and stretch.

UCS directions change sometimes depending what face is clicked , but sometimes very annoying  as soon when part of this face is rounded.
Or when there are several stages in the 3D also it finds wrong positions since any 3D app can extrude only in Z direction.

For mechanical 3D design so cumbersome.
2D no problems, BIM ok.

Or am I missing something here?



  •  BIM is disabled, even within Bricscad platinium.

  •  Dear Stefaan
    Orbit: press and hold the Shift-key and the middel mouse button. 
    BIM: in V17 een additional license is needed voor BIM +  Platinum version.

  • ... In addition to Louis's comments:

    Not sure what you mean by 'extend face of block', but the dmPushPull, dmExtrude en dmMove commands all accept multiple faces as input.

    The Dynamic UCS can be switched off. Just click on 'DUCS' in the Status Bar.

    I think you should study some of the video tutorials. Doing so will show that there are many things that you have missed.
  • I just realized that for orbit to work in a proper way SHIFT+CTRL and  mousewheel is even better. I was just going to ask about this when I stumbled upon it.

    When we are at it  could someone tell me what is wrong with my model. I can not push-pull anything. Is there some lock in the settings ? I even made a new cube on the side it will not push either. Check video


  •  It may help to upload an example DWG file.  To avoid giving away your design, you might save a special version where you delete most of the objects, and purge the drawing.  The simpler file also makes it easier for others to see the problem.  Be sure to test the simplified DWG file, to make sure it demonstrates the problem.

  • Try push/pulling the sides on these 4 boxes audited and purged. V16-17 same problem. If I pick the edges it works put in open air???

    Copied the model into a new file no difference.


  •  Dear Patrik
    I could push pull the faces of all the solids but one: the thin vertical wall-like solid. The reason for this is that a Fix constraint is applied to the solid, and another one to a face. Open the Mechanical Browser panel where you can see the constraints and delete them.
  • Hmm, I can see the constraint but where do they come from ? I deleted the constraint and saved it. When I open in V16 its OK but if I open in V17 this happends.¨


  •  Check your Design Intent options. The constrains are placed automatically if Design Intent capture is turned on.

    Don Strimbu
    Techevate, LLC
    San Rafael, CA USA
  • Nop unfortunately turning intent of no difference.
  • Dear Patrik
    It is not clear to me what you want to show in your recent screen capture movie: the cursor is placed on an entity and the solid highlights. As a result PushPull is not in the Quad, because it does not apply to a solid. Make sure the face highlights before going into the Quad. When the solid highlights, press the Ctrl-key to highlight the subentity (face or edge) under the cursor.  Because the value of the SELECTIONMODES system variable is saved in the registry there might be a difference between V16 and V17: each version is registered seperately.
    Then you switch to Mechanical to proof no constraints are present. Please notice that you do not need to load the Mechanical user profile to display the Mechanical Browser, it is available in all profiles (place the cursor over a toolbar, then right click). 

    @Don: Design Intent does not create constraints.

  • Yeaa! SELECTIONMODES 7 did the trick. THX

     I still don't exactly understand why it dit not push/pull in the first video. The yellow cube on the side was just created and I definitely did not create any constraints.

  • Dear Patrik
    @Don: Design Intent does not create constraints.

    It would be sweet to be able to to capture the design intent into explicit constraints before sending a model off to another user.

  • It would be sweet to be able to to capture the design intent into explicit constraints before sending a model off to another user.
    Hello Damian,
    Now we are implementing design intent per drawing, so it will be captured automatically when you send a model.
  • Ahh!  Thanks!,
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