Text & Mtext commands questions.

BricCAD 17.1 Windows 10 64 bit
When in the Text command I have no cursor. Is that true for everyone?
When using the Mtext command hitting enter twice on a blank line ends the command (ACAD2006)
In BricsCAD you must mouse click to end correct?


  • With versions you need to be a bit more specific. V17 was released at 17.1.03, we are now at 17.1.12. If you read the release notes you will see there is quite a few changes made between them. This isn't just fixes, improvements and new features are included. For instance you can now PRINT to PDF using the built-in pdf printer, simply select 'Print As PDF' from the list of available printer.

    With TEXT you don't get an on-screen cursor, but you can do so on the command bar.

    With -MTEXT you can end the command by pressing Enter on a blank line. With MTEXT to end you can, pick OK, pick outside text area, press Ctrl + Enter.

    I get the same behaviour when comparing to Acad 2016

    Jason Bourhill
  • The lack of a cursor is the main reason I wrote my own on-screen TEXT editor in lisp that has a cursor and supports copy, cut, and paste of ranges of characters.  At this point it requires AutoHotKey to handle cursor control keys, but there is a support request in requesting "as documented" support of the allkeys argument for grread that may eliminate the need for AutoHotKey at some point.  I think I've posted the code before either here or at theswamp.org. 
  • Thanks for the replies.
    Version 17.1.11 (x64) revision 46090

    Thanks martin I'll see if I can find it.
    I noticed that Plain text multi entry in ACAD you can backspace to the previous line and edit but not in BricsCAD.
    I'm having a tough time without VLIDE to step through lisp code. :)

  •  I'm away from my office this week but I'll try to find the post when I get to my laptop tonight. 

  • CAB,

    There is a version on this forum in a thread titled 'single line text cursor', but it uses ODCL instead of AutoHotKey.  The laptop I have with me is linux so I can't run that code to test.  The version I actually run is attached.  I didn't bring the AHK script with me (because linux) but I'll see if I can get someone at the office to send me a copy.


  • I have attached the AutoHotKey file that goes with the previous post.  The LButton section is what I use to keep from dragging toolbars out of position by simulating an immediate left mouse button up after a LMB down event.  The math section carves out buttons that are flyouts, which still need to have drag and drop.

    At this point the editor does not support move to line above or move to line below, but it would be easy to add the capability.  That has been on my "to do" list for a while.


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