Ribbon and menu's gone

 I use a zbook 17 g2 from HP
This unit has a SSD from sandisk. SD6PP4M-256G-1006

I saw updates for this ssd and other hardware but IT did not installed these updates.

Data corruption; pst file damaged from outlook, ok deleted and created new.
But Bricscad hanged the entire system suddenly , the only solution was a forced shutdown (power knob)

The laptop started fine, but Bricscad's default.cui is damaged, when opened with notepad+ completely empty.
Bricscad can start but no ribbon and no menu's. 

IT will check this laptop, but that means a re-install  , what is the command to deactivate the license so that we can activate
the license again later?
Note: so no ribbon or classic menu. or can you send a default.cui file to stefaan.codde@sanitechniek.be


  • Have you tried?:
    _Customize > Revert to defaults...
    This will restore the default.cui from the UserDataCache.
  •  Not a fault of Bricscad: default.cui was corrupt, file empty and wrong size reported by windows.
    I extracted the Bricscad exe to copy this file again  then restarted bricscad and the menu's are back.

    Firmware bug ssd which is solved now.
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