Hi all:I am a user of Archiecturals under Intellicad,and every time i work on a model and make a Perspective i am very dissapointed.The perspective is very primitive, the distance doesn't work as it is supposed (as shown in your movie) no clip planes,and when you render it you cannot have a ray traced shadow, you cannot apply materials ,and textures.I also work with Datacad ver. 10 and they have the plug-in O2C Object to view(www.02c.de) . From there you can walk in isometrix,axonometric or perspective view,you enter inside the model and automatically clips it, you can assign materials ,textures to any color and make a raytraced presentation very fast, you can export to anybody in the net and the files it produces together wit the viewer are very light. It is parallel to Adobe Acrobat, the way it compresses the file and can be sent very fast.I converted an Architectural model from dwg to dc5 but the substractor remain and if you turn off the layer it turns off the frames.I heard that in the last intellicad version 3.2 the perspective and the render stayed as they were, therefore is not a good idea to include it as a plug-in and not invent the wheel again?I hope for the good of all the users.Nahum