Toolbar icons "3 letters" not showing on all computers

For my "special" menu toolbars i use 3 letters instead of icons as symbols. But not all computers in my office show them. with half of them its just white circles as if there isnt enough space to show the letters.

Any ideas on how to change that?

Should look like this:


  • Bump

    Nobody ran into this behaviour before?
  • Did you check the video configuration? Screen resolution?

    I had some problems related to size of the icons. We use 32x32, and I noticed that there were some icons a little different, like 32x34 or something, creating some problems especially with dropdown menus in the ribbon bar.
    Maybe in your case, using toolbars, the icons should be 16x16 pixels? 

    Another possible problem might be a RESZ file. If you have a resource file containing the icons, this will have priority over image files stored in a folder. As we used resource files before, when changing to image folder we noticed some computers still using the old (wrong) icons.

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