Keep editable arrays after save, without recovery. Is it possible?

 So i got tired of waiting for a support reply and was wondering if there is ANY POSSIBLE WAY that one can keep array objects after saving a file?

I can't do that. I can't keep my arrays, since every single time i save and close, Bricscad makes it a block. An anonymous block, that saves itself...somewhere.. And it would be ok (kind of.. not really, but..) if one could at least still edit that block. Nope. One can not do that. One can bang his or hers head in a wall and draw the whole damn thing all over again. 

I can accept that i can't have grips on arrays (somehow, with that bitter feeling "why do i have to bother with this piece of crap". honestly.), but arrays converted in a non-editable anonymous block _sucks_. I don't know how to say that nicer. it's a disaster!

: _refedit
Cannot REFEDIT anonymous blocks. This includes dynamic blocks.

So what can one do to fix that?

I have used a few applications from respected or not so respected developers, but i must say, i have NEVER been so let down. Almost every single command has major flaws.


  • I do not experience this issue. What is your SAVEFORMAT setting?
  • Saveformat, value 1.
  •  Saveformat is, i guess , set to 1. At least if i write saveformat in cmd line it says so. <1> ... Yes?

    As i open the file, i get a error window:

    An error occured while loading the drawing;
    NUll objet Id: (0)

    make sure the file is valid dwg drawing
    then try using recover to load the file.

    it does not matter, if file was completeley drafted from scratch in Bricscad or not. If i draw an array, this happens.
  • Hello Marko,

    you wrote: "I got tired of waiting for a support reply so..."

    Could you please help us and specify the number of the support request you filed that was not replied to? We will check what went astray and make sure you receive a reply without delay.

    In our support database I found only one support request you posted so far, SR72921, the one you posted after I repeatedly asked you to do so in a previous rant post on this forum (see - I mean the thread in which your last post ends with:
    "What i have learned:
    When everything fails, contact support ASAP. It's never that late, until it's too late."

    Thanks for helping us to help you,
  • I think i have found the source of all my problems i have had with Bricscad. I hope and wish.  

    It got me thinking that it can't be that only I have such problems. It just can't be. I haven't changed settings, only added custom hatches.. So i made an experiment with a fresh install on a testing machine that, basicaly, has only one difference; it does not have one specific addon installed. (i won't name the addon, since, what if i am wrong again...)
    Now, I can make an array, rectangular or by path, i save and it opens. without the recovery. Well, i hope. But for now, it works.

    The support, as noticed, number SR72921 has this problem stated out.
    I should open new support request just to point it out. But it reffered to the solution you have made (updated AUDIT) that made a new problem - arrays changed to blocks.

  • Hello Marko,

    to handle a support request as efficiently as possible, and reply as fast as possible, it is assigned to someone specialized in the reported topic.
    If multiple topics are handled in one SR, this is no longer possible, nor can the priority be set (each type of problem has a different priority), etcetera.
    Also to keep the number of links between a support request, related development tasks, developers and analysts manageable,
    we kindly insist to use separate support requests per reported issue.

    Sometimes in hindsight we can conclude that certain support request issues are related, and in such case we mark them as such, which is much easier to manage than using a single support request for all issues ever reported by a user.

    Could you please file a new support request and attach an example drawing that allows to reproduce the undesired conversion of associative arrays to blocks by the AUDIT command? We will be glad to look into it.
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