Layer - Paperspace

Hi all together,

i made a drawing an Layer 'A' and put the dimensions on Layer 'B', all as axpected.

Then, when i move to Pperspace, i can see my drawing and the dimensions only in some Layouts(A0,A1,A3)

In the other Layouts (A4H,A4V) i can see only the Drawing, the Dimensions are invisible.

Any idea's.

Thanks in advance



  • Hi.

    Click into the viewport and check if the layer is set to VPfreeze.

  • ... Or perhaps the dimensions are annotative.
  • Hi,

    @ Roy: I checked it, the Layers are all 'ON'

    @Sascha : How do i check/change this.

    One more exersice on the same drawing:

    I draw a circle with another Layer, all Layouts working,i can, in Layout Switch them ON or OFF.

    I draw a Dimension on another Layer then my first Dimension. Not working, same Problem as above.


  •  Peter, if you file a support request and attach your drawing we will be glad to find out what the problem is.
  •  Perhaps you are unaware of all the ways to make a layer turn "off".

    On/Off ; You already know about this.  It is universal and will make a layer not visible in any tab and viewport.

    Freeze/Thaw ; This is universal as well. But, it also acts more aggressively on blocks.  If a block is inserted on a layer that is frozen, it is as though that block didn't exist. So if there are entities inside that block that are on other layers, they still won't appear.

    Viewport Freeze/Thaw ;  Sometimes called viewport overrides or vplayer setting.  This column is only visible when you are in a layout (paperspace) tab.  It freezes a layer only inside that particular viewport.  Note that a paperspace tab itself is considered to be a viewport itself (though there is no border with it).  Note that there are similar columns to change the viewport settings for color and other layer characteristics.

    It is the Viewport Freeze/Thaw that I think you may not understand.

  • Hi,

    i send a Support request.

    Thanks a lot


  • Also, I forgot about a feature that I never use. When a new layer is created, one option is to have it set so that it is already frozen in any viewports that are later created. Depending on when your viewports were created, in relation to those layers, it may be affecting what you see.

    Another unrelated thing that may be affecting your layer settings if if you are using a template that already has those viewports and layers.


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