truncated pdf file names publishing problem

Our filenames have dots included (e.g. ABCD.DEFG0001.dwg)
When publishing to pdf, the filename is truncated after the first dot and the resulting pdf name is ABCD.pdf
When printing using the plot dialogue, the pdf fuile name will be ABCD.DEFG0001.pdf
I know it is not wise to use dots in filenames, but is is done on our client's request.
We are using:
Bricscad 17.1.16 (x64) Revision 46560
Acrobat, also PDF Creator


  • Hello Oung Tih,
    this is the BricsCAD user forum, for communication among peer users.

    Your post sounds like you want to report an issue to Bricsys developers.
    To do so please file a support request.

    Kind regards,

  • This is a known Problem. As i understood in my research a few months back there is no way around this when Publishing. Sry

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