Isolate objects

I was trying to change rotation of a just inserted block by clicking in "Misc" of the properties box.
Suddenly I just had the block in view and the command line said
_Entities in set: 2
Number of entities made hidden: 1229

Following is the history before that time. I have no idea what triggered the sudden departure from my screen of 1229 entities.

Unable to recognize command "351.26". Please try again.


Any ideas please? I'm curious and it was very alarming for a moment as having never encountered such I thought all my work was suddenly Goodbye!


  • The only scenario I can come up with:

    1. The rotation field did not have the focus, so your input was sent to the Command Bar.
    2. You pressed Enter a number of times invoking the last command: _IsolateObjects.
  • Thanks for reply Roy
    I'd never used let alone heard of that command until then.
    Its odd. I just tried simulating it.
    Selected entity then I had to type iso before that command came into view.
    I was only using the number pad at right of keyboard - so I thought!

    Oh well - it wasn't the end of the dwg - thankfully.

  • Maybe the _IsolateObjects command was triggered through the Quad?

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