How do I disable quick properties
I need to disable quick properties to stop them from popping up every time I select something???
In the properties bar you can switch on and off/configure tool tips, quad cursor etc. Left click to toggle on/off and right click to configure. Does this help you?
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Thanks for your reply. But my newbie state with Bricscad is showing. When you say "Properties bar" what exactly do I select. The properties window is up on the right side of the display but I find nothing helpful there. I set tool tips to 0 but I still get the quick properties when I hover over an entity. When you're trying to get a drawing done fast this is a real pain to deal with.
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The Properties Bar is in the bottom of the screen.
You have the Quad Cursor (QUAD) and Rollover Tips (RT) that I expect is what you are referring, maybe also the Tips (TIPS).
Instead of switching off the Quad Cursor, I suggest you learn how to work with it. This will speed up the work and help you when you move into more advanced design and BIM. Have a look at the eBooks and tutorials.