SelectSimilar still applies globally after using Isolate

I have transitioned to BricsCAD (V15) from AutoCAD LT. For my work, I often need to change properties of similar entities, which I used to achieve efficiently in AutoCAD LT by isolating the area with the objects I needed to work with, using SelectSimilar, and then performing the desired tasks. What I find in BricsCAD is that the tasks affect ALL similar objects in the drawing, and not just the ones I have isolated. I have a workaround where I copy the entities into an empty drawing, and perform the tasks there, then copy back - this works, but I would still like to solve this if possible.

From what I've gathered, this is due to the behaviour of the IsolateObjects command.

Is there a system variable or other option that I can change to alter this behaviour? Does anyone have similar experiences?

Would appreciate any help. Thanks!


  • Apparently there is an incompatibility here (and you should submit a support request).

    Possible workaround:
    Instead of isolating object do the following:

    1. Use _SelectSimilar to select the objects.
    2. Enter '-' or '_R' or '_Remove'.
    3. Enter '_O' or '_Outside'.
    4. Select a window.
    5. Result: all object outside the window have been deselected.
  • Thanks, will do.

    I'll try the work around, but as I usually need to repeat the command several times, it may still be more efficient to copy into an empty drawing.

    Thanks again!

  • Based on your bug report I have modified my BKG_SelectSimilar routine. I have added the 'Visible' filter option. BKG_SelectSimilar is not exactly the same as the built-in _SelectSimilar command, but you may find it useful.

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