Convert Collada (DAE) files to/from Brics?

Can this be done into Brics?
Hoping to import photogrammetry-generated models from into Brics. The models seem to be manageably small, compared to a point cloud so I hope it wouldn't bring Brics or the computer to its knees, pending promised point-cloud-enablement of Brics. CR has a limited range of export formats so far - the only one that Brics can import is .dae.


  • Why do you want to import/export DAE files via the FBX format when BricsCAD can do it directly?

  • Aha - good point - one up on Acad then.
    Preparing to try it out, meanwhile do we think such a .dae model would be rotatable etc in a Brics 3D file?
    Would it be inserted as an Xref?
    If so, who needs point-cloud enablement?

  • I have a small 3D mesh model which I can Export (save as) in the following formats:


    Any suggestions how I can convert the mesh to be importable into Brics, in a form I can at least snap to it?

    The export to dxf produces a vast file which barely loads, let alone rotates in Brics. Export to dea produces a tiny file which rotates freely but comletely dumb - can't snap to, can't EXPLODE.

    How about 3ds? Can that be opened in Brics - I think it can in Acad?
    So far Online 3D Converter won't accept any of the files/formats exported from Reality Capture for conversion to 3ds.

    Edit / Delete

  • Terry Dotson
    edited August 2017

    BricsCAD's built in IMPORT command should read the DAE file and create one or more mesh objects which should be explode-able. I tried one I found and the meshes exploded to 3dFaces. Perhaps ZIP and post your DAE file?

  • Thanks Terry, will try again.
    Would you in fact be able to suggest best way to get Reality Captute - generated mesh, with or without colourised vertices or photorealistic textured facets, into Brics and snappable. This might be a way to get point cloud type benefit in Brics pending the promised point cloud enablement.

    Excuse basic question, but are the vertices of such a mesh (or as 3DFaces) snappable, or does that require conversion to Solid? (someone suggested doing that with Atomapki Automesher) - and whether any colourised vertices or photorealistic textured facets would be retained in converting to Solid.

  • I don't know anything about RC, do you have a small output file? Hopefully they use one of the current standards for a mesh, the last thing the world needs is more standards. A mesh object in CAD can have different colors assigned to the faces but they don't show unless it's exploded. A mesh should be convertable to a solid but seldom can be. Don't claim to be an expert in this area but find it interesting so learning more about it.

    It might be best if you simply describe what you want to do and don't think in terms of jumping through different software hoops.

  • Thanks Terry. Hans de Backer invited:
    ""To discuss and investigate the possibilities to transfer data from .rcproj
    to some useful dwg content, I would suggest to file a support request, which makes it easy to attach files and let analysts and developers have a look."

    Don't know if 'developers' includes you, to have a look; if so, it's SR76633.

    To be honest, not quite sure "what I want to do", beyond "convert the mesh to be importable into Brics, in a form I can at least snap to it".

    I'd like to be able to create a dwg building model in situ within the ex-RC mesh (or even better, photorealistic model).
    And to generate 2D views from the ex-RC model edited to work as section or plan cuts perhaps Xref'd into 3D models and 2D drawings.
    I'd like to offer a service to local architects incl (especially) those still working traditionally in 2D Acad, providing plan, sect, elevation survey images at lower cost and higher detail/accuracy than traditional measured survey, with bonuses e.g. backdrops to 2D elevations etc

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