2D constraints force all poly lines/shapes to z plane (Z = 0)

As you can probably tell I just learning BricsCad, any help would be greatly appreciated. I am extruding solids from 2D polylines. I would like to use 2D constraints when drawing the various shapes. However whenever I add a 2D constraint the polyline shape (e.g. a circle or line) drops from it current Z location to 0. It there any way to stop this behavior? Basically I would like to be able to draw the shape at its proper 3D location and then extrude it.

Another thing which I don't understand is all the 2D drawing commands only work on the x-y plane. So if I want, for example a circle, in any orientation other than the x-y plane, I have to draw it out using ployline spine with enough points to put the circle right were I want it. Is there a way to specific the plane, and its orientation, for a 2D drawing?



  • Hi Rusty,

    By design 2D constraints are 2D only, they are intended for controlling 2D objects only, hence the limitations you're striking. However, you can use 2D constraints in conjunction with BMINSERT (requires BricsCAD Platinum) & detect boundaries to achieve something similar that isn't limited by z value or UCS orientation . This video demonstrates using this technique Boundary Detection

    To draw on objects in different orientations to the default World Coordinate System (WCS), you need to create a User Coordinate System (UCS). These take time to setup, so in most cases it is quicker and easier to take advantage of using Dynamic UCS to get BricsCAD to automatically align to faces of existing 3D objects.

    Jason Bourhill
    CAD Concepts

  • @rustyncc1701 said:
    I am extruding solids from 2D polylines. I would like to use 2D constraints when drawing the various shapes. However whenever I add a 2D constraint the polyline shape (e.g. a circle or line) drops from it current Z location to 0. It there any way to stop this behavior?

    Why apply 2D constraints to 2D polylines, which you will extrude afterwards? I think it is a better idea to extrude the base shapes, then apply 3D constraints to the solids.

  • Thanks for the info, it was really helpful.

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