BricsCAD unable to load Tool Palettes (and crashes while trying)

edited August 2017 in Other


Today I tried to enable the Tool Palettes feature for the first time in BricsCAD V16. The first time it loaded the standard palettes. Now each time I restart BricsCAD I get following errors:

After the pop-up screens are dismissed, BricsCAD stops responding normaly.

I suppose the base of the problem is the missing file and 'profiles' folder. Although it's a fresh install and those files/folders were never there...

Any help with this problem is appreciated.


  • Dear Jeroen
    This forum is not the right place to report problems or possible bugs. Please file a support request instead. Our support analysts will be glad to look into it.

  • Jeroen,

    In V16 the tool palette groups file "profiles.bws" is created in a sub folder called "Profiles" in the first folder listed on the support file search path (SRCHPATH). If this folder doesn't have write access, then the subfolder & profiles file can't be created, hence the message you're seeing.

    By default BricsCAD sets the first folder in your search path to "%APPDATA%\Bricsys\BricsCAD\V16×64\en_US\Support\", which is user write-able. From your screen grabs, I would assume "c:\program files\bricsys\bricscad v16 en_us\help\en_us\" is the first folder on your search path, which isn't user write-able.

    This issue was resolved with the release of V17.

    Jason Bourhill
    CAD Concepts

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