Dimensions in 3d space

Am I doing something wrong ? Why does dims made in 3d space not show in drawing views?? A dim made in 2d is totally dissassociated so it has to be redone everytime I change something.


  • I have occasionally dimensioned in Model Space on a 3D object, and have no problems showing them in paper space viewports.

    Is it possible that your dimensions are not stuck onto the object and perhaps simply positioned outside of the view. YOu can get them on the object by changing your UCS so that it is both oriented correctly, and that the origin is on the plane where you want your dimensions located.

    Another possibility is that your dimensions are on a layer that is turned off inside that viewport.

    Upload a simple example drawing if you want more help.

    In regards to disassociated dimensions; First, am speculating that you may be using the word "2D" to refer to dimensions created in "Paper Space". Is that correct? But, regardless, there are various situations where dimensions can/cannot be associated with the object, and some operations that will break associativity. Also if you edit a polyline, it can cause the internal ID#s of the endpoints to change, and then dimensions can get all messed up. If I don't know which dimensions are prone to this, it can be very difficult to know what to fix if you edit things and the drawing is very complex. Because of this, I abandoned the use of the fully associative dimensions, and have the variable DIMASSOC set to 1, so that I know that none of them should change, unless I stretch or grab the points that define them. Predictability is much more important than convenience.


  • Sorry I notice now that its the generated views that loose dims.
    Yes and no Its impossible to draw dims in a generated view for some reason. Only on paperspace.
    But in normal paperspace views I can draw dims but they will end up in space and not be associated.
    I feel you get more trouble if you start making tweeks in the model and forget to change the dims.

  • @Patrik Sparrman:
    Check your GENERATEASSOCVIEWS setting.

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