Problem with Quad

I think, quad in v18 is broken, it is not working, there are not groups, icons ...
V 17 works well.


  • Can you be more specific please? If you think something is wrong, file a support request and add a screengrab to illustrate.

  • There are several settings for the Quad and what it will display.
    For example you can set it in a way that it only shows rollover tips but no tools.

    My problem with Quad on Mac is, that it immediately disappears as soon
    as I start moving my mouse to try to reach it.
    I don't see that problem on Windows (by VM) at all.
    And it only appears with (any) mouse usage.
    Not with my Wacom Pen (Cintiq 27 QHD) input on screen.

    (I have Wacom and 3D Connexion drivers installed)

    Also I notice the Quad flickering, meaning after it it appears, after a short
    time it will disappear for some milliseconds and finally reappear.
    (Which looks like a OpenGL problem for me ?)

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