Parametric Windows - multi sashes

Is there a way to build an insertable Window Prototype that will
automatically add sashes depending on Window width ?

So similar to the way the Copy Tool works,
or similar to a Curtain Wall.
And would it even be possible to adjust the inner vertical elements so that
they will always sit on a "Building Grid", no matter where the Window starts
and ends with its rest widths ?

I often need such Windows in Walls, that are in fact curtain wall constructions,
in industrial buildings. Vertical Elements are most times directly on or in between
a 1,20 or 2,40 m building grid, with shorter starting and ending elements.
And I need to constantly react to design changes.


  • Roy Klein Gebbinck
    edited November 2017

    In V18 creating a window with an array feature should be possible. The second part of your request would require setting up constraints per component instance, which might not be worth the effort.

  • Thanks Roy.

    So for V17 Mac,
    it sounds like my current approach in my current CAD.
    Inserting one large single fixed glass window,
    adding blocks for the vertical bars manually by an array.
    Which is reasonably flexible for later changes.

    @Roy Klein Gebbinck said:
    In V18 creating a window with an array feature should be possible.

    I think I have to look deeper in V18 arrays and constraints.
    And the addition of single Windows or asymmetrical parts of Windows.

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