BricsCad V18 with 3DConnexion Spacepilot Pro

I have an issue that the space pilot rotate wont work in V18.
The context menu is not appearing when the menu button on the space pilot is pressed.

It seems the 'application use' item in the Buttons setting screen does not work in V18.

Any advise????


  • I Should have added Im using V18 platinum

  • Hello AndreBarnes,
    Please fill a support request for this problem. Please also specify some technical info such as Windows version, driver version, device model etc.

  • As Bricscad V18 states again the 3D Connexion Support
    (like 3 years ago ?)
    is there now a a Setting Preset for Enterprise included in the 3D Connexion
    driver now ?

    I just ask because from my experience, new added profiles in the driver may
    not show up by just updating the driver without deleting your old config
    before. But I would do that effort if there is a Bricscad Preset.

    If not,
    I have some problems with how to include Bricscad "Commands" into
    Button assignments by key inputs or macros. (Enterprise and Wacom Remote)
    I struggle even with Fit View, which is "Zoom" with an "e" in Bricscad.
    Even the correct formula for Bricsys Command Line doesn't work there.

  • My Issue Has been sorted with advise from support and the very latest driver 10.5.3

    Thanks Bricsys

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