Entity Snap

edited December 2017 in 3D Modeling

I'm modeling a Building in 3D (BIM).
I use different layers for walls, columns, floors, slabs, windows......I isolate different layers and constellations to make modelling as easy as possible.
to restore the layerstates i use "layuniso" and "layer previous". then i draw some polylines in the 3D-space and extrude them.
Then layiso, modeling...layuniso.....
I don't know how but it happens very often that my snap settings disappear (they are all turned off) I turn them on again, and some time later again all the snap settings are turned off.
Can anybody confirm it is related to "layiso" and "layuniso" or layerprevious"?

Is there a shortcut to turn all snap settings off? if yes is there a shortcut to turn the snap settings on again the combination it was?
I´m not talking about f3 snap toggle, this don't effect the entity snap settings.

For me it looks like a command that forces bricscad to turn off all snap settings , but because of a problem it don't restore the snap settings anymore. maybe its not layer related, maybe its something with a modeling command, but at the moment i just use the extrude and the layer commands.

the ucs icon disappears also, I have to turn it on manually.....



  • fs_at12
    edited December 2017

    I found the problem, and its not related to bricscad or to the layeriso, or layerstates.

    I enter "ext" in the command line, so the extrude command will start......everything works fine..
    but when I enter "extr", the "extrim" command starts, and this is causing the troubles, it turns off all entity snaps and hide the ucs icon.
    in the hurry of typing and modeling i just press escape some times, to cancel the command, and this is causing the troubles, quitting "extrim" do not restore the snap and ucs icon settings.
    since this is (I think) an Express Tools command its related to CADwiesel, I will contact them.

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