Unresolved symbols (Linker, brx)

Hi all,
finally I've got my 2 main modules ported and they compile for BricsCAD.

However, i had to exclude some functions which were not able to compile because of linker errors about missing externals.

So far i have 2 missing externals:

Acad::ErrorStatus __cdecl AcDbAppSystemVariables::setOsmode(short,bool)
I use the AppSystemVariables to set osnap values inside a reactor callback function.
With AutoCAD 2010 it was not allowed to use acedSetVar as it caused AutoCAD to crash.

Acad::ErrorStatus __cdecl AcDbLayout::initialize(class AcDbObjectId *)
I use it in a utility function to automatically create PDF - files of certain sheets in a drawing.

Here's the output of Visual Studio 2015:

1>editor-reactors.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""__declspec(dllimport) public: enum Acad::ErrorStatus __cdecl AcDbAppSystemVariables::setOsmode(short,bool)" (__imp_?setOsmode@AcDbAppSystemVariables@@QEAA?AW4ErrorStatus@Acad@@F_N@Z)" in Funktion ""public: virtual void __cdecl UndoOsnapReactor::commandEnded(wchar_t const *)" (?commandEnded@UndoOsnapReactor@@UEAAXPEB_W@Z)".
1>D:\VisualStudio-2015\Projects\arm-base\Release\x64\arm-base.brx : fatal error LNK1120: 1 nicht aufgelöste Externe

1>plotsets.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""public: enum Acad::ErrorStatus __cdecl AcDbLayout::initialize(class AcDbObjectId *)" (?initialize@AcDbLayout@@QEAA?AW4ErrorStatus@Acad@@Z)" in Funktion ""int __cdecl arx_exportstl2pdf(void)" (?arx_exportstl2pdf@@YAHXZ)".
1>D:\VisualStudio-2015\Projects\arm-base\Release\x64\arm-base.brx : fatal error LNK1120: 1 nicht aufgelöste Externe

Is there a way to avercome these errors?

Many thanks in advance for help or tips.



  • Dear Richard,

    can you please send us this feedback as Support Request ?
    So we can better handle & schedule implementation of these missing fucntionality ...

    many greetings !

  • Hi Torsten,
    I'm really impressed by your quick response.
    And even more by your immediate implementation of the AcDbAppSystemVariables functions.

    Absolutely great, i appreciate this.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi Torsten,
    many many many thanks for implementing all the missing functions.
    You're really great.

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