CTRL+C CTRL+V Coordinat problem?

After selecting it with CTRL + C, I say CTRL + V then the right click coordinates of the mouse is different, which is the solution of this problem in the beginning?


  • If you only use Ctrl + c then Bricscad chooses a default point as the base point and this is used when you try and paste the object.
    If you use Ctrl + Shift + C then Bricscad will ask you first to pick a base point and then this will be the point used when you try Ctrl + v

  • Michael Mayer
    edited January 2018

    Is there also a way to place a selection copy at the same place ?
    I mostly want this and when I CMD+C CMD+V I always type in 0,0,0.

    Is there a CMD*D for duplicate or a CMD+SHIFT+V for a "paste in place" ?

  • Louis_Verdonck
    edited January 2018

    To paste the selection to the original coordinates just press Enter when you are prompted to specify the insertion point.
    There is also a 'Paste to original coordinates' option in the Edit menu.
    The default base point for a selection set is the bottom-left corner of the bounding rectangle of the selection. Therefore, if you type 0,0,0 as the insertion point, the selection is not pasted to the original coordinates.

  • "0,0,0"

    That's what I feared.
    Will a RMB click do the same as an ENTER in this situation too ?

  • Steven_g
    edited January 2018

    Michael reread Louis's post, just pressing Ctrl+c and then Ctrl+v followed by ENTER will paste to the original coordinates, even between drawings

  • Yes, I just realized that my input workaround went to file origin.
    Which ws nearenough to not recognize but wrong.
    I will either get used to the Enter or code that paste in place into
    my Enterprise button.

  • Got it.
    It works for the Enterprise button macros to "paste in place".
    But meanwhile I think the standard
    "past and glue to cursor by insertion point to place by next click"
    isn't that bad either.

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