Hollow Polylines in V18

We are currently moving over to v18 from v17 and I noticed that polylines are showing as hollow.

Fillmode is 1 and Shademode is 2DWireframe

The drawing plots correctly (in both versions) and it displays correctly in v17

I'm running out of ideas on what could be causing it, help would be appreciated!


  • Make sure you are not in Perspective mode (set Perspective Off within the Properties panel)
    Traces fills are not displayed in perspective...

  • Polylines with a non-zero width get a 'fill' display provided that

    • 2dWireframe visual style is used and
    • a top view ( = plan view ) is active and
    • the polyline is perfectly parallel to the XY-plane

    In case the fills are not displayed, most often the cause is the view direction which is not perfectly vertical: does the problem go away after executing the PLAN command?
    If this doesn't help, check the normal of the polyline, is it perfectly vertical?

    The fact that the problem occurs in V18 and not in V17 indicates it is a borderline case, the smallest difference in rounding of numbers can lead to this display difference, but in both cases there is definitely something slightly off: either the view direction, or the polyline normal.

  • Perspective mode is off
    2dwireframe visual style is on
    Plan view is active ( I moved the view and reset it just to make sure)
    Polyline is flattened with no Z axis

    Shows fine in both V17 and Autocad.

    Even a blank template with a single polyline on a default profile has the same issue.

    The 'fill' is shown if the visual style is changed to one of the rendering settings (Conceptual etc.)

    I feel it is a setting that is refusing to turn on because the drawing seems to be fine in everything else (including plotting.) It has me stumped!

  • Can you please file a support request and attach a sample drawing? Our analysts will be glad to investigate and help you solve this issue.

  • Done and thanks to Damian the solution was found.

    The polylines had a thickness. This renders in AutoCAD and V17 in 2dwireframe however in v18 it gets treated as the 3dline that it is and only displays the wireframe unless the visual style is changed to something 3d.

    Thanks all for your help

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