Leader and text solution needed


I am having some small difficulties from switching form Autocad to Bricscad.

In Autocad i can select different Leaders that i use for detail or a frontview of a building.
But with Bricscad i can't find the option to select different Leaders.

I also have the some problem with dimension btw.

I have a list of different kind of specifications and when we make de drawing final, we remove the text line we don't need.
Then we select a line and move it lower, so there are no empty spaces between the different textlines.
In Autocad its easy to select a line at the pickpoint and lower it, but in Bricscad i can't get a pickpoint at the text to select.

I hope the somebody can explain to me how i can do that.


  • To create or edit Dimension Styles, or select the currently active Dimension Style, use the Dimension Styles tab of the Drawing Explorer (Tools > Drawing Explorer > Dimension Styles...).

    To change the Dimension Style of a leader or dimension entity, select that entity and change the "Dim style" property under "Misc" in the Properties bar (View > Properties). The Properties Bar will also allow you to override Dimension Style properties of the selected entity.

    Text and Mtext entities have a grip that can be used to drag the entity to another location, and the selection of the destination point responds to all the usual snaps and entity snaps. Mtext entites with non-zero Defined Width also have a second grip that can be dragged to change the width. If your specifications are in an Mtext entity, then removing a line of text will automatically move the lines below it up one line.

  • Sorry that it took so long, but Thank you for your answer.

    I dont think is very convenient to change the dimstyle , in Autocad it was easier and because i add them to mine toolpalette, i could access them much quicker. So mine question should be is there a easier way to access it and to see wich one i am currently using.

  • @Bas:
    You can add the _Leader command to a toolpalette in BricsCAD as well. You can copy-paste the tool to create multiple copies and for each specify a different dim style in the Tool Properties dialog.
    Note that by default the current dim style is displayed, and can be changed, in the Status Bar.

  • Bas
    edited February 2018

    @Roy Klein Gebbinck

    Thanks, I was looking for that.

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