Lisp routine errors

I am having a problem with running lisp routines in the new intellicad version. I get an error of lisp routine can'trun transparently. Also any of the routines that insert blocks with attributes also seem to have a problem there seems to be one more step in ver 2.2 needed because the atttributes are shfted up one level, ie: point elevation is in the point description place, point description is in the point number position.Does any one know if there is some toggle or setting that has changed between ver 2.1 and 2.2?? All of the routines work fine with Cadopia Intellicad and about half of the lisp routines won't work with the newest bricsnetIntellicad.thanks,Vince Popish


  • I may know what that is. There was a change in the insert command from two to three scalefactors (or the other way round).We straightened this out by making an exact copy of the autocad approach: two is the default, but you can switch to three variables. This is not in a release yet.regards, sander, bricsnet

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