Data extraction

edited February 2018 in BricsCAD BIM

I'm having a few problems with dataextraction, is it me or is this how it works.
I have created a dxd template file. Where I had selected properties to be extracted so far so good, I then organised these by using the move up/down to get an organised list, again good so far, and then for area and length I added additional format to use current units which are set in the drawing to m² and meters (which shows correctly in the properties), but when I create the csv file it is organised in the correct columns but the units are reported as millimeters and there doesn't appear to be a way to adjust this within the dataextract wizard. Then when I try to reuse the dxd file the next time round the correct properties are selected but the order is returned to the default settings so I need to reorder the columns again.
More an annoyance than a problem as I can program Excel to do the organising but I was wondering if there is something I am missing in Bricscad?


  • Hello Steven,
    I am new to BIM and data extraction, could you please tell me or show me how to organize a Template File? I have tried to search for it but I didnt found much Infos, and when I do extract without a Template the data are quite useless...
    Thank you very much

  • Hi Lorenzo,
    What exactly do you mean by useless?

    I'm pretty new myself ;>). When you start the dataextraction command it starts up the data extraction wizard which walks you through a few stages, you can start by having objects preselected or there is an option to select objects. Tick the box to create data extraction definition and choose a file name and location. Thats basically it. choose a file name and location for where you want the data to be extracted too (*.csv). then the next button brings up the dialogue where you can choose all the different types of objects you have selected just in case you have things selected that aren't required, for example if you select an xref the list will contain lines and circles etc. but you might only want solids; the next screen is for the properties that you want to extract (this varies depending on what elements you have selected), and contains a lot of items you might never need, but too start with I went through and selected everything (tick the boxes down the left hand side) just to see what comes out, but I wouldn't bother with most of it to be honest things like filename just repeat for every item. You can change the order of the selected properties using the move up/down buttons which decides how this is then stored into the csv file.
    This is the information that is then stored into the template file so the next time round you don't have to select all the items again, because you can only select one at a time and not a whole range. Once done click finish and the csv file will be created with all the properties you chose.
    My problem is that the next time you run dataextraction you can go with the option 'based on an existing data extraction definition' which will then have all the same boxes ticked, but the order is forgoten. You can also create a new definition based on an existing one (tick both boxes).
    Of course you can also run this without using or creating a template file. But the results are going to depend on what objects you have selected in the Bricscad screen, and which properties you choose in the extraction wizrd.

  • Hello Steve,

    In the atachment you can see what I mean with useless. All the info are stored in one cell per door and I have no idea how to make them organized in different columns and rows. Is that not done by the Data Extraction Definition?

  • Roy Klein Gebbinck
    edited February 2018

    Maybe you should look at how you import the .csv file. You need to specify the correct delimiter.

  • @Lorenzo
    You can select the delimiter (comma, semicolon, Tab or Space) on the Data Extraction - Select dialog.

  • Thanks that really helped a lot :)

    What about the following:

    • When I select a door under the Family "BIM" there is the field "name", I tried to extract all the variable possible but this "name" is never extracted, is that an error or am I missing something?
    • Under the Family "Parameter" I see the block name followed by ":" and than a unique number of the block, is it possible to extract this number separately from the block name?
    • What about the Parameters of a dynamic block? Framethickness, widht,... ? not possible to extract them here?

    For me a BIM software also have to be able to make my life easier when I have to prepare Doors and Windos lists to send to other companies. With autocad LT I am used to do this painfull job manually writing down in an excel sheet all the informations of a door and that is killing me. It would be really nice to be able to export the parameters as well so that I dont have to do it manually again...

    Thanks a lot !

  • I just tried placing a couple of dynamic doors into Bricscad. And the properties show up as custom properties on the third part of the dataextraction wizard.WE would need to see one of your blocks to be able to give more specific help on exactly which properties to tick, just make sure you have all the properties showing on that third page (and that you don't have the show only selected option ticked)

  • At least in my BricsCAD v14, I find that it was quite outdated in regards to its data extraction. It only had the very outdated method you are using, that I recall seeing in AutoCAD version 10 running on DOS back in the 1980's.

    But, others have stepped in to fill the void. Check out the programs at Many of the utilities are free.


  • Steven, I figured it out why I didnt saw the Parameters. That is beacuse you can only extract the parameter that the different blocks have in common. I understand that but is quite tricky because for Instance I have doors with metal frame and others with wooden frame and they have different parameters. I guess I have to optimize them and try to make them with the same parameters.

    Problem with LIPS or external resources is that you have then teach the whole office how to install them and use them. It would be nice to have those stuff integrate in a Software.
    But I will give it a try Joe :)

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