Shape and Bricscad v18

I have a dumb question. (I'm sure this question is obvious to everyone, but I haven't found anything explicit on the Bcad site)
I'm just starting to evaluate Bcad 18 and Shape...
Is the functionality of Shape included in Bricscad v18 Pro?
Or is it a stand-alone program, to be used "in front" of Bcad?
(like how we use Sketchup and Bcad today)


  • Michael Mayer
    edited March 2018

    Generally Shape is a little Part of Bricscad.
    I think mostly Bricscad Pro Version, not Platinum.
    (There is a comparison list on Bricsys site).
    But Windows and Doors should be BIM only (?),
    which needs Bricscad Platinum Version to add to.

    If I got that right, if there is currently anything new or ahead
    in Shape over Bricscad, it will find its way into Bricscad soon.

    So if you are a Bricscad BIM user, you will not really need Shape
    as you can do everything and more in Bricscad. But its reduced
    User Interface may help in early design stages.

  • Hi Yaacov and Michael,

    BricsCAD Shape is based on the direct modelling engine of BricsCAD Platinum. It is designed as a concept modeler. Use Shape to capture your 3D concept model, then take it to BricsCAD BIM for auto-classification with BIMify.

    Of course, you'll see that Shape can do more than this. But the idea of Shape is to offer free-form solid design through its simplified user interface.
    And yes Michael - you will see the simplified UI features of Shape in a future release of BricsCAD. See the interview with Shape product development manager Jan Jolly.

  • Yes, read the inside Bricsys blogs yesterday.
    Just thought direct modeling itself,
    beside the BIM features (and 3D constraints),
    would be already part of the Bricscad Pro Version.

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