Briscad closes when opening a file from within Bricscad

When i first open a .dwg by double clicking in windows explorer, and then try to open another .dwg from within windows explorer, Bricscad just closes.

Same problem when first opening .dwg by double clicking in windows explorer, and trying to Insert block, browse.


  • There is a setting how to handle multiple documents.
    SingletonMode ( ?) or SDI (=Single-document Interface)
    I think the default is to use 2 instances of Bricscad,
    which does not work on macOS.
    It tries to open a second App instance but macOS prevents that.
    So I can open an additional document only from within Bricscad's
    open file dialog.
    Maybe checking these may also help (?)

  • When my first file is opened from within windows explorer, and i want to open a second file with Bricscad, Open, Briscad closes all files without asking to save first.

    The SDI registry setting is the same as on a machine where this problem doesn't occur.

  • Do you mean it closes normally or just like for certain files for me,
    when it just crashes when trying to open :wink:

    Often it works on a second attempt without recover or audit or such things.
    But that can happen for me too when opening by Bricscad welcome dialog.

  • I had this problem not long ago. For me it helped, to take a user profile from another user that hadn't this problem and rebuild mine from that again.
    I compared the profile-files but didn't see anything special - maybe just the combination of setting s?
    So try another profile and see if it's gone.

  • Creating a new user profile solved our problem. Thanks!

  • Oh, I already forgot about corrupt user profiles.
    That happens easily for me too.

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