[Solved] Issue installing Bricsys Bricscad
I used the RPM package and Bricscad is in /opt however:$ bricscadv17 /opt/bricsys/bricscad/v17/bricscad: error while loading shared libraries: libpth.so.20: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I have npth and libpthread-stubs installed:zakhar@laptop $ ls /lib64/libpt* /lib64/libpthread-2.25.so /lib64/libpthread.so.0 zakhar@laptop $ ls /lib32/libpt* /lib32/libpthread-2.25.so /lib32/libpthread.so.0
I have both 32 and 64bit libraries and if I make a symbolic link from libpthread-2.25.so to libpth.so.20 Bricscad runs only the welcome screen and then crashes after loading the main software package by clicking on new drawing with this output:zakhar@laptop $ bricscadv17 /opt/bricsys/bricscad/v17/bricscad: symbol lookup error: /opt/bricsys/bricscad/v17/libcadapp.so: undefined symbol: pth_init
I would like to tell the developers its about time to start using the modern library names, I am unable to resolve this issue and therefore cannot use the software untill I am told how I might be able to resolve this or until the next revision of Bricscad is released. Or perhaps issue an install file listing required dependencies.
Some info:zakhar@laptop ~ $ uname -smpior Linux 4.15.6-gentoo x86_64 AMD A12-9700P RADEON R7, 10 COMPUTE CORES 4C+6G AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
this is on gentoo linux and it is unfortunate I cannot use the software wile the license is active, I hope this can be resolved soon.
File a support request - https://www.bricsys.com/en-intl/support/
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It is on our radar, we intend to switch from pth to npth.
Maybe in the mean time you can use rpmfind to pick a version.
The version for Fedora 26 might do the trick.For more help, indeed please file a support request.
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Issue resolved, using this rpm