Dimension leader problem in v14

I have often fought with dimension leaders. I am now trying to get a better understanding of how they should work, and how to control them.

Attached is a DWG with some examples. On horizontal dimensions they leader will change, depending on if the dimension value is left or right of center. Also for vertical dimensions, if they are created using the WCS.

But, on the horizontal dimensions, which were made with the UCS turned 90 Deg, they will not. It is as though the text leader is always going to be on the right side, unless it is inline with the dimension line.

Is this proper behavior, or just a bug in v14.



  • I tested rotating the UCS, so that it is the same as when I created those problem dimension, and it does not make any difference.


  • I have no idea how you did that, and I don't know much about dimensions in general, but I think it must be something in your dimension style. If I just change that entity to Standard dimension style, the problem goes away.

  • It probably relates to if the text is set to be aligned with the UCS if it is outside of the dimensions line.


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