Reverse function
I noticed that in Bricscad you have to convert lines to polylines to reverse them so to save doing that I added this function to the on_doc_load,lsp
;;function to reverse lines and polylines in Bricscad
(defun c:rev () (breverse))
(defun c:reverse ( / ss)(breverse))
(defun breverse (/ ss cnt tot entname entdetails entype spt ept new_ent)
(prompt "\nSelect Lines or Polylines : ")
(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "*LINE"))))
(if ss
(setq cnt 0
tot (sslength ss)
(while (< cnt tot) (setq entname (ssname ss cnt) entdetails (entget entname) entype (cdr (assoc 0 entdetails)) cnt (1+ cnt) ) (if (= entype "LINE") (progn (setq spt (cdr (assoc 10 entdetails)) ept (cdr (assoc 11 entdetails)) ) ;_ end of setq (setq new_ent (subst (cons 10 ept) (assoc 10 entdetails) entdetails ) ;_ end of subst new_ent (subst (cons 11 spt) (assoc 11 entdetails) new_ent ) ;_ end of subst ) ;_ end of setq (entmod new_ent) (entupd entname) ) (command "pedit" "m" entname "" "y" "r" "") ) ) ;_ end of while )
(DEFUN rev_error_setup ()
(SETVAR "cmdecho" 0) (SETQ olderr *error* *error* custom_error )
(if (and (not (> (getvar "cmdactive") 0)) ; no command active and
(/= (getvar "undoctl") 13)
) ; not in a group undo already
(command "_.undo" "_begin")
) ;_end if
(DEFUN rev_error_restore ()
(SETQ error olderr)
(command-s "_.undo" "end")
(defun rev_error (errmsg)
(prompt errmsg)
Sorry - you'll need to remove the "y" from the line in the above code with the pedit command.