Cycling ?

Heydie, who knows how to select between lines when they are directly on each other ?
In Autocad i had a dialog box who show all lines, hatches, poly lines etc. who where on each other, and i could pick the one i needed.
Thanks already.


  • The procedure is as follows:
    Hover over the coinciding entities, one of the coinciding entities highlights. If 'Rollover tips' is ON (RT field in the status bar) the properties of the highlighted entity display.
    Repeatedly hit the TAB key until the desired entity highlights, then click to select.

  • Hey Louis, works fine indeed. Thx
    But when i activate a command first (like erase) then the dialog box does not appear...
    So you have always to make the choice first and afterwords make the command ?

  • Louis_Verdonck
    edited June 2018

    When a command prompts to select an entity the same selection procedure applies: hover the cursor over the coinciding entites without clicking, when one of the entities highlights, repeatedly hit the TAB key until the desired entity highlights, then click to select.

  • ok, command prompts works with highlights and not the dialog box. But is fine, thank you

  • I think QUAD has to be on also (right next to RT on the status bar).

  • Anthony, no difference with QUAD on/off...

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