erweiterter Bereinigungs-Befehl


gibt es eine Möglichkeit dem Bereinigungsbefehl zu sagen,

bereinige alle Layer, AUßER: Layer die mit XY beginnen.

Ziel ist es, Fremd-Layer aus einer Zeichnung zu bekommen,
Eigene-Layer, die noch leer sind aber zu behalten.



  • You can use wildcard characters in layer names.
    This should work (~ means negative pattern):

  • Isn't that easier just to delete these from the Layer list.
    If they are already separable by their names ?
    (Sort by name first)

  • Robert
    edited June 2018

    I think Roy's solution is very elegant, that way you can use it in a macro and put it behind a button.
    That way you allways have the command at a single button click

    For example
    Sub purgemacro() ThisDrawing.SendCommand ("_Purge LA ~XY* N ") End Sub
    It might even work directly in the command Line of a button.

  • I understand.
    And you can reuse it everytime again.

  • HOSchlüter
    edited June 2018

    Danke für eure Hilfe.

    ~~@Robert Kannst du das etwas genauer erklären?
    Wo und wie muss ich den Code eingeben?~~

    Hat sich erledigt. ;) Habs schon gefunden.

  • Hallo Klaus,

    Good to hear! I tested if it could be used in the command line and that also works. And it might be easier if you don't have much experience with writing scripts.

    open de customize menu and add a tool

    Name the tool and enter the following line: ^c^c_Purge;LA;~XY*;N;

    You can then drag the tool you made to a menu you think is best (for the example I used the Help menu).

    With kind regards,

    Robert van der Veen

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