Add to sffix or prefix to block name

edited July 2018 in 2D Drafting

Hi, I'm looking for help to write a program that adds a prefix to all block names.

eg. I want to add '' SURVEY_ '' to the start of each block name, there could be a hundrets of blocks.

How to change a program to add a prefix to all blocks?

;;;    Applies a prefix to all Layers in a Drawing except the 0 layer and Defpoints Layer   ;;;
(defun C:LP ( / acadDocument layertable layName prefix)
 (setq prefix(getstring "\nEnter Layer Prefix to Apply to All Layers: "))
 (setq acadDocument (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
 (setq layertable (vla-get-layers acadDocument))
 (vlax-map-collection layertable 'layer-mod)

(defun layer-mod (layertable)
 (setq layName (vlax-get-property layertable 'Name))
        (if (not (member layName '("0" "Defpoints")))
            (vla-put-Name layertable (strcat prefix layName))
        ) ;endif
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