Total Data loss in Drawing files, no backup files being created

I have recently lost all data from three drawing files. The drawing title is ther but no data. I reloded V18, then a drawing I was working on bombed out. Any one else having this problem. Most distesing!!


  • You should create a Support Request and send all related files
    attached - maybe there is still something to repair or rescue
    for developers or at least to fix a bug if there is.

    Second you could try to search for any Time Machine (Mac only)
    or any other backups potentially available.

    Also you should copy all files befor you try a
    File > Drawing Utilities > Recover
    To see if you can repair something by your own.

    And generally, if not already done,
    you should change the time interval of Backups in Bricscad
    from useless 60 Minutes (!) Default in Settings,
    to a more useful 5 or 8 Minutes.

    60 Minutes set for me normally didn't produce any Backup Files
    as these 60 Minutes seem to be kind of a "net" time period and
    interrupt counting when you don't actively work in Bricscad.
    Looks like grabbing a cup of coffee, eMailing or doing Phone Calls
    doesn't really count.
    And during the "gross" time period you may already have closed
    the file or Bricscad crashed in between - so no chance for a
    Backup File being created.

  • In situations like this there are several things you should look for, and do, or not do. Don't save the files is the first thing, by saving the files you overwrite the existing bak files and these can often hold useful info, so you should use saveas to keep any backups safe. Then you can start looking for any automatic backup or crash files, you should also make sure that your drawing hasn't zoomed way out or zoomed in, which can make it look like an empty drawing, doing a zoom extents may help or try starting the line command and give it start coordinates of 0,0 and see how long the line is when you draw it to the edge of the screen, if it is a huge number then you have a problem in the drawing but a problem that is fixable. Something else to try is "select" all you might find a couple of blue dots highlighted on your screen or look at the properties to see how many objects are selected.
    If you're not sure how to proceed then you could post a file here and no doubt someone would check it out for you.

  • rkmcswain
    edited July 2018

    "change the time interval of Backups in Bricscad from useless 60 Minutes (!) Default in Settings, to a more useful 5 or 8 Minutes."

    I QSAVE more often than that, so autosave would never even fire.
    I got in the habit of using QSAVE right after doing anything I didn't want to lose (on AutoCAD of course...) but it still works today for all CAD apps.

  • I also QLSAVE after every other step or even extra when using certain tools
    or doing more complicated operations.

    I just realized that after I had (again) to reset my "config" and forgot
    to set Back Up period, that I hadn't any backups for a few days.

    After I set to my default 8 Minutes again,
    I see now many Backup copies of my files in my custom Backup Folder.

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