Opening new file in the same window.

i have a problem on my bricsad 14. New file is always opening in the new window. I can not change the SDI Value. It is set on default = 1. How can I change it for opening new drawing in the same file as a new tab?


  • Set SINGLETON = "yes" and then close and restart Bricscad.

    On my system, after closing Bricscad I sometimes have to open the Windows "Task Manager" (by right-clicking on the Taskbar), and select "bricscad.exe" in the "Processes" tab and click on "End Process" and then restart Bricscad.

  • Thanks a lot. It is working now.
    In Bricsacd V14 i cannot make document tabs visible. I can change drawings by clicking ctrl + tab. In newest version command SHOWDOCTABS is working. How can i change in older version ?

  • Document tabs weren't included in Bricscad until recently, but before that there was a very good add-on, DocTabs by Daniel Marcotte. I can't find it in the app store now, but perhaps you can get it via a private message to Daniel.

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