
I am working on a High res laptop & monitor and have found that my end snaps are not always snapping to the end of the line.
Can someone please suggest settings that will always force the pick box to snap to the line end.


  • If you have near as a 'running' osnap, try switching it off. Increasing the size of the APERTURE may also help.

  • Isn't that when "snap anywhere along an edge" option is activated ?

    My problem is more that it always jumps to an end point after I click,
    although I rather would like a perpendicular point on a line when drawing
    in ORTHO or Shift Lock mode.
    Also I miss that the snap cursor "sticks" before to where it will finally snap
    after the click. So if you have end point snap only and hover anywhere
    over a line, the snap hint should jump to the nearest endpoint.
    So that I can recognize that it may not be the point I want.
    Instead of showing me some snap I like but jump to another point after
    I accept.

  • Anthony Apostolaros
    edited August 2018

    I keep midpoint, center, node, quadrant, and intersection as running osnaps, in addition to endpoint, and I never miss an intended endpoint. The only time I had that problem was when I used to add perpendicular to the list; then I sometimes got an unexpected point near the endpoint.

  • Well after better look through the settings I have turned off snap track and increased the value for the line display.
    Hopefully after a solid session of drafting I can determine if these changes have done the trick.

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