[BIM] [C#] BIM Properties

I want to retrieve all the entities and list their BIM properties.
How can i retrieve the properties of an entity?

Database database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase; Teigha.DatabaseServices.TransactionManager manager = database.TransactionManager; using (Transaction action = manager.StartTransaction()) { BlockTableRecord blockTableRecord = action.GetObject(database.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForRead, false) as BlockTableRecord; foreach (ObjectId objId in blockTableRecord) { Entity entity = action.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForRead, false) as Entity; } }


  • Actually there are LISP and C++/BRX interfaces to access BIM properties, no .NET interface.
    many greetings !

  • Which C++/BRX interfaces do i have to use?

  • The API is in BRX SDK, under ./BrxSpecific ... there are also a few more, BricsCAD-specific C++ APIs, i.e. for the OPM panel.
    many greetings !

  • How is the BIM data stored? XData on the objects, Dictionary(ies) in the NOD?

  • Not that simple ... partially dictionaries, but mostly in an embedded SQL database;
    so no way to access the BIM data without the API usage.
    many greetings !

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