Point Symbols are plotted


up to now, point symbols did not appear on the printouts. However, now the point symbols show on the pdf export. How can I disable the point symbols beeing plotted?



  • By assigning them to a Layer that has print deactivated ?

  • Thanks, but that's not quite the solution I was looking for. In other drawings, the point symbols were not printed, event though the containing layer was visible.


    set up the point display you want.
    take a look in Help, search for "point" there is a table where you can see all the configs

  • Hi sbcad,
    To do what you want, you have to go in the Layers Panel of the drawing explorer and set the do no plot property of the layer containing your points. So, you will see your points in model space but not on printings.

  • If you don't want to see points at all on your screen (or if you want to change how they display), do this:

    Menu > Settings
    In the search box type in "point display"

    From here you can customize how points display.

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