Best way to get drawings into MS Word

My work colleagues sometimes want to put parts of my drawings into Word documents for tender etc. Currently they just screenshot part of a pdf and insert it.
I was wondering if there was a better way?
I use open office and can convert pdf to svg and insert directly into open office documents. But I don't think that works in MS Word, or Powerpoint.
Any suggestions / comments on the best approach?
If you have a PDF editor (not just a viewer) then you can export the PDFs or a part of it as a PNG file with a resolution of 150 DPI minimum and insert that into Word (by using insert image/picture and **not ** copy/paste).
Another option is to export as WMF/EMF, as that used to be the traditional way in the past but it may not always look as smooth as a PNG export mentioned above depending on DWG and WMF/EMF settings.
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PDF is still editable when decompressing it -
I just use the windows Snipping Tool, draw a rectangle over the part of the drawing you want to use in your document and either save it as a jpg or png or just copy it and paste it into word.
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I was just looking over my old discussions looking for something totally different and i noticed this old discussion.
I eventually came up with two methods.
One is to print to pdf and open with gimp at 300dpi and export to png (not jpg, png is better with large blocks of uniform colour).
The other option is to print to pdf and convert to svg. I can then insert the svg into word using insert image and it retains it's vector qualities.
The problem with the svg option is that the file gets very big if the drawings get in any way complex.0 -
Autocad has a Publish to web PNG, noticed not in Bricscad, I dont think you can mix and match pc3 files.
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You can export the drawing to svg. MS Word understands it. Word can insert it (but it's better to convert svg->wmf and insert wmf file.). As a bonus - you get great scaling as the format is vector.
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I see that's an old question, but I used
Maybe it works on Bricscad too.
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V24 has BMP, PNG & Tiff, under Acad I used wmf found that to be best.