Newbie problems


I just download the trial license and try to make 3D modeling with bricscad Mechanical. I meet couple of basic problems...

1.How to constrain sketch to origin?
2.How to see when sketch is fully constrained?
3.How to get extrusion thickness on to the parameters?

Thank you about the answers in advance.


  • BricsCAD is not a history-based modeler. As such it does not work with constrained 2D sketches. In BricsCAD you first create a 3D model and then apply constraints to solids, faces and/or edges. Many tools can be used to create the 3D model, including (temporary) 2D elements. BricsCAD also supports 2D constraints but these should not be used for 3D models.

    1. You can reference elements of the WCS in 3D constraints.
    2. To my knowledge this feature is not yet available. Often you can get away with using underconstrained models. Especially if you use components.
    3. You add a parameter to your drawing and reference that parameter in a dimensional constraint.

    Attaches is a small example.