Polygon square in corner paperspace


I am trying to get a polygon of a square in the top left corner of the paperspace.

  • The paperspace is a based on a A1 sheet (dim. 594 x 841 mm)
  • The top left polygon should go to X=0 and Y=594
  • The polygon goes perfectly to X=0, but not to the top left (I believe it should be Y=594)

See the attaced image.

what do I do wrong?

(in "knipsel2.jpg" you can see that point 0,594 is outside the paperspace. How is this possible? As the maximum size should be 594 x 841 mm)


  • I don't understand what's happening in Knipsel2, and I've never used Plot Area = Extents, but if you set Plot Area = Layout then the white area on the layout should measure 594 x 841, with its lower left corner at 0,0.

    If someone else has previously worked on the file and has at some point set Plot Area = Window, I sometimes have to use that setting temporarily to clear all the fields in the "Windowed plot area" boxes. But then I always return to Plot Area = Layout.

  • @Anthony Apostolaros
    This is not correct. When the plot area is set to 'Layout' the 0,0 point matches the bottom left corner of the printable area. For physical printers this is typically smaller than the size of the paper.

  • Roy Klein Gebbinck
    edited February 2019

    @Bas Weinans
    EDIT: Since the selected (physical) printer has non-printable margins, you cannot print on the full width and height of the page.

  • @Roy Klein Gebbinck said:
    @Anthony Apostolaros
    This is not correct. When the plot area is set to 'Layout' the 0,0 point matches the bottom left corner of the printable area. For physical printers this is typically smaller than the size of the paper.

    But Bas indicated in another thread that he wants to use PDFcreator instead of a physical printer. What I said is correct for layouts with PDFcreator as the printer.

  • @Anthony Apostolaros
    The first image shows that a Canon printer is used here.