Build Error of 'cannot open source file'

I am having an ARX file and its source code.
when I try to build BRX file using that source code I got errors.
E1696 cannot open source file "AtlBase.h"
E1696 cannot open source file "afxcoll.h"
E1696 cannot open source file "afxcmn.h"
E1696 cannot open source file "afxwin.h" and so on....
I have replaced the ObjectARX include path with BRX include path...
Please kindly help......


  • All those header files are Windows' CRT/MFC/ATL includes ...
    BRX/BricsCAD requires VS 2017 ("Visual Studio 2017 (v141)"), and 10.0.xxxx Windows SDK version:
    please check those settings.