Equal Division Between 2 Points
I frequently need to divide up a distance between 2 points along a single direction. I know that I can draw a line and use the Divide command. However, being lazy I would like to do this without drawing a line.
Is this possible?
Dear Walter
Do you know about the 'Snap to the middle of two points' entity snap? See https://help.bricsys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360006739434-Entity-Snaps#to-set-the-entity-snaps.0 -
Thanks for your reply Louis. However, in my case the number of divisions could be any number other than 2 EG 3,45 .....; etc.
0 -
You can use the R option of the Scale command to divide a distance.
I use the Scale command a lot, and nearly always with the R option, so I use a custom version of it that automatically puts it in R mode:
(defun c:ScaleR () (princ "Select objects to be Scaled: ") (setq ss1 (ssget)) (setq p1 (getpoint "Pick base/reference point")) (command "Scale" ss1 "" p1 "R" p1) (while (> (getvar "cmdactive") 0) (command pause)) )