Load Application Menu

We try to transfer our AutoCAD ApplicationCAD4HYDRAULIC into IntelliCAD.Therefore we need a MENUELOAD Function.Is there a possibility to do this in IC?Kind regards Claus D. Mueller


  • Put all your menu in a file called eg. MYmenu.mnu (drop-down and buttons). Put this into ICAD.LSP:(if (not (menugroup "MYmenu"))(Command "menuload" "c:/menu/MYmenu.mnu"))Start IntelliCAD, and you will have your new menu.Jostein L

  • Hello Mr. Jostein,I've been impressed about the fast and accurate Answer!Thank you very much!As we are Rookies with IntelliCAD, we are pleased for any help.If we have further Problems may we contact you again?Meanwhile thanks againand have a nice day!Claus (not Santa) D. MuellerPERSONAL SYSTEMS CONSULTING

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